Tuesday, September 21, 2004

2 out of 3 aint bad...

...except that this post makes it 2 out of 5. but still, its a fraction...

ok. cups of coffee - am still on my first of the day, but anticipate a sizeable intake this afternoon.

feelings - tired. one of those days when brain doesnt seem to start.

plans - limited.

HAd a good weekend though, achieved very little of note on saturday, which is a good feeling... watched "Kill Bill vol.2" which was an interesting experience given that i still havent seen vol.1. Guess i dont really need to now, although i still have a hankering to see the seen when the bride kicks the ass of 100 japanese assasins. Guess i'm just a bad person!
Do like Tarantino films, despite agreeing with everything people say about too much unnecessary violence in films, guess that makes me a hypocrite then. Ah, yes, but a hypocrite who could rip your MF head off punk. Hmmm... maybe these films do influence us.

Went to Bristol on sunday as well, that was fun. Good sermon on church, and about how we shouldnt give up on it, because we should rememeber that its Gods Holy temple that hes building using us. Good point, well made.

Journey there and back - good, except for flipping middle lane huggers. nothing on the inside, a cue of 20 cars waiting to overtake them, and still not budging from their lane. Grrr... Had to keep reminding myself that God loves them too, and that they aren't the ones referred to when he talks about the firey pits of hell being reserved for the likes of these...
Maybe theres a worse punishment reserved for them. Hmmm...
Best leave it there for today!

Friday, September 17, 2004

Coffee, feelings, and empty promises...

Cups of coffee today = 1 (lack of milk for coffee making me too lazy) (however this is a good number beneath my daily average methinks!)
Feelings = grey and cloudy outside, therefore slightly lacklustre day. (question have i got SADS?!)
empty promises = intend to get going with this blog regularly. (track record not looking good though. 4 posts in 2 1/2 months? i've known* trappist monks that are more communicative)

So lets see how it goes.

In the meantime, update on summer...It was good. Soul Survivor was wicked, Soulinthecity was outstanding and Passion for your name was just what i needed.

The weather stank though.

* i say "known", i mean of course "havent known, but imagine there may well be, in the whole world..."