Saturday, February 19, 2005

Lets pretend this is the start shall we?

Ok. So this is it. This is my blog. Honestly, I'll be updating it regularly now.

Been thinking though, it needs a new name now given that I'm off coffee... Can't think of one thats funny enough to warrant it though. Shame. Lack of imagination holds me back in soooo many things.

This new beginning thing is starting to look like a bit of a bad habit unfortunately, so my new years resolution (ahem - not late at all) is to try and keep this being updated regualrly - at least once a week if not more! After all, my life is so interesting, and I'm such an engaging writer that... oh, hang on... nevermind. I'm gonna carry on with my evil plan anyhoo...

cups of coffee today = 0
games of football watched = 1 (although man u v everton is on telly later)
productive stuff achieved = 0 hours

Good day so far.