Friday, July 02, 2004

its been a week

Well, it's been a week since i last blogged (is that the verb I'm looking for? sounds good, even if its not good english!) and its time for an update...
I suppose i should quickly say that i've not updated since last week for two reasons:
One, broadband in my house has been down - and despite only having had it for a week or two, i now cant be bothered to use the net without it - it takes SOOOO long to use it with dial-up!
Two, I've been too busy to be able to sit down and think about life or anything. (note to self - does this mean i need to take more time out, or merely be more effective in what I actually do?)
Ho hum.
Anyhoo - my thoughts for the day... Hows life here?
Well. God wise things are good. Whenever I do stop to think about whats going on here in Berkhamsted with the young people and God, i get really excited. People are growing in faith, they're challenging their friends and family, they're making a difference to the the people around them. Which i guess is what we're trying to do. Which is nice.

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