Friday, September 17, 2004

Coffee, feelings, and empty promises...

Cups of coffee today = 1 (lack of milk for coffee making me too lazy) (however this is a good number beneath my daily average methinks!)
Feelings = grey and cloudy outside, therefore slightly lacklustre day. (question have i got SADS?!)
empty promises = intend to get going with this blog regularly. (track record not looking good though. 4 posts in 2 1/2 months? i've known* trappist monks that are more communicative)

So lets see how it goes.

In the meantime, update on summer...It was good. Soul Survivor was wicked, Soulinthecity was outstanding and Passion for your name was just what i needed.

The weather stank though.

* i say "known", i mean of course "havent known, but imagine there may well be, in the whole world..."

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